Q1, 衛生問題? 

  1. 經過自己親手清洗的布料,安心自己最知道

  2. 布料通抑菌測試,科學數據來佐證。

  3. 經過多數人體驗,改善使用衛生棉時的紅腫不適,但敏感性體質者仍需實際體驗。

Q1, the safey?

  1. washable product and control by yourself.

  2. Antibacterial tests are passed. 

  3. Provide a more comfortable solution.


Q2, 血塊可以被吸收嗎?


Q2, can clots be absorbed by honhongperiod pants?

        can not . Wipe it by tissue when you are on the toilet.


Q3, 清洗注意事項?

  1. 建議脫下後盡快清洗

  2. 黏貼條長得很像雙面膠,不可以久泡(半小時)

  3. 請勿拿刷子大力刷紅紅褲,內褲會破皮~搓揉即可洗淨

  4. 請搭配清潔劑,請勿使用漂白水跟柔軟精

  5. 可以搭配過碳酸清洗

Q3, clearing remark?

  1. wash it after used.

  2. suggest soaking it  shorter than 30 mins. 

  3. cannot brush.

  4. must be wash with detergent

  5. can use soda.


Q4, 如何清洗?


  1. 手洗,清洗/曬曬後沒有殘液與味道。

  2. 機洗,洗衣袋+洗衣機 (初次體驗建議過水後,降低心理壓力)

Q4, how to wash it?

must be washed with detergent, avoid soap, softener and bleach.

  1. hand washing

  2. machine washing


Q5, 可以烘乾嗎?


Q5, can I put on the dryer?

yes, low temperature with 60C.


Q6, 如何掛曬?

  1. 掛曬請將內褲左右對折掛在衣架上,避免夾子或是重力下拉造成變形

  2. 避免太陽直射

Q6, how to dry it?

flat it avoids gravitational pull and dries in shade.